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此次展览展示的是来自智利的艺术家Julieta Santa María的最新作品。Julieta的作品色彩艳丽,这是她绘画作品的一个重要元素。这些色彩的明快与力量给她的绘画带来了活力,给观者以强烈的视觉冲击。


艺术反映了一个艺术家的内心世界。Julieta Santa María也将她的思想在作品中强烈的表达出来。她感谢生活所赋予她的一切,并且希望人们能通过她的作品了解她的想法,分享她的喜悦。

Times:2007年10月10日 – 12月5日
Destination: ART50
Address: 上海浦东大道728号海神诺富特酒店50楼

Born in Santiago, Chile. Along her career she tried different techniques in areas like polychrome, vitraux, ceramic, drawing and oil painting.
Light and color are the basic elements of her painting, which dignifies the simplest objects, combining them in a way that her work becomes nevertheless harmonious and powerful.
Interior Designs 1982
Ceramics 1985.
Florentine Art 1988.
Vitreaux 1991.
Painting and drawing with Carmen Silva 1992
Oil painting with Juan Ibarra 1994-1999
Drawing with Eva Lefever 1995-1996
Latest Exhibitions
July- August 2003. Olavinlinha Castle, Savonlinna, Finland.
August-September 2003. Taidesalonki Piirto, Helsinki, Finland
December 2003. Taidesalonki Piirto, Helsinki, Finland.

January-February. Taidesalonki Piirto, Helsinki, Finland.

July-August 2004. Gallerianna-Savonlinna, Finland.

July-August 2007. Gallerianna-Savonlinna, Finland.

My painting truly reflects my personality. In my work is possible to appreciate the joy of live and the permanent search of color which are brought by my childhood memories.

Through my wonderful traveling experiences around the world, I have always associated the places where I have been with certain colors. Those colors are captured in my work.

At the beginning of my career I was mostly interested in the forms of the objects and how to exactly represent them as they were.

Nowadays my paintings have developed toward a greater focus on the colors rather than forms. These colors come to the fabric as a result of my emotions and inspiration, without necessarily matching the reality.