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Art Living - Chinese Butterfly Painting
Designer Chairs
Chen Jun, the Master Guardian of the 18th generation

 The ‘Ten’ Style of Butterfly Painting was first created and originated 1300 years ago by ‘King Ten’ who was son of Emperor Tang Gao Zong during the Tang Dynasty.

This ancient ‘art’ form of amazingly unique and vivid style of butterfly painting has been passed on through generations to only “one” painter. This artist or painter was selectively chosen only from the best of the best in China. Artist Chen Jun was chosen and is the 18th generation master painter who creates these magnificent paintings today.

Artist Chen Jun was born in the Meixian county of Canton province in 1959. He graduated from the China Academy of Art in 1985 and taught art in the University of Henan and Jimei University in Xiamen. Chen Jun was also the art editor for the Xiamen Daily newspaper. In 1982, Chen Jun specifically followed from Mr. Tong Guan Ya who was the master artist on Chinese Butterfly Painting of ‘Ten’ Style, and he became the only official master guardian of the 18th generation of Chinese Butterfly Painting of ‘Ten’ Style.

There are four, very distinct, characteristics that define the meticulous technique of these paintings: detailed vividness, crystal-clarity, fluidity and multi dimensional appearance. The ‘Ten’ style is a form of palace court art using special painting materials which are quite different from other styles. The dyes and the paint used in this art form are mixed with Gold, Silver, Jade and Emerald powders, to enhance the elegance and allow the paintings to last for more than 700-years. This longevity is ensured further by using not canvas or paper, but a special Chinese fabric pronounced ‘Juan’ hence, becoming very valuable collector’s items. Throughout the past 18 generations, only members of Royal Families and World Leaders have been bestowed by the pleasure of owning such exquisite works of art.

The Zhe Jiang Chinese TV Station has produced a documentary about the current guardian of the ‘Ten” Style of Butterfly Painting, Chen Jun. His unique paintings have been chosen by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to represent China as gifts of honor for world Leaders and Dignitaries. In September 1992 the current Japanese Prime Minister Miyazawa Kiichi and the former one, Nakasone Yasuhiro, both received one butterfly painting by artist Chen Jun, as a gift when the Chinese Vice Premier Wu Xue Qian visited Japan. In January 2000, after Chen Jun’s first solo exhibition in Tokyo Japan, he was revered by the media and the art community as “the most precious artist of his country”.

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