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Mr. Networking

Art Liang is an accomplished and diverse executive who has well established a personal and business credibility among his peers. He is fluent and knowledgeable in both the Chinese and English Language and Cultures. Having grown up in Taiwan and then followed his whole family immigrated to the United States at tender young age and getting his higher education in North America for many years, he has developed an understanding of the differences and what is important to integrate these cultures into strong business relations.


Art began his career as an electrical engineer, and for more than 20 years he has been involved in sales of high tech industries and working for numerous Fortune 500 companies. Art is a visionary, always looking future forward and for ways that will benefit the companies he has worked for or built himself. He has achieved highest yearly sales when working with Texas Instruments and increasing volume sales tenfold with Advanced Micro Devices. He then helped start-up publicly traded companies like NetVantage, Inc. and Alyn Corporation to obtain large purchase orders from the Chinese Electronic Ministry and joint venture partners agreements with various corporate giant entities.


Interviewed by People Daily
for His contribution in Bringing
the Best English
Training to ChinaMade Contribution to Education was Interviewed by People Daily

Art has also helped and self-built other companies. He was a partner and director of a personal computers manufacturer in Mexico, and a Managing Director of a public relations and broadcasting company which received recognition from then Clinton Administration for its contribution to the development and improvement of the Sino-American cooperation and exchanges. He also invested and served as CEO of ELS Language Centers in China which was the first language school authorized by the Chinese Government to establish franchises.


Art has a flare for networking and bringing people together, creating opportunities and opening doors for others. Art's warm and friendly personality and innovative know how is how he has developed a vast international network of relationships. In 1989, Art founded Fox World, Inc., an international marketing and investment company which assists U.S. high technology firms in entering the Asian markets. He then founded his own ArtNetworking.com, bringing his love for art and the desire to bring people together internationally to enjoy various artists as well as traditional and contemporary Chinese art. This leading online web portal exhibits and sells original artwork online and through exhibitions of international artists locally here in Shanghai, China. Art is always looking for new arenas to delve into and help people grow and be successful, in that he has become the success he is today.

University Student
and A New Immigrant
A Young
Technical Field Sales Guy
Invited to China by CCPIT
& China Petrochemical Corp.
Chinese Entrepreneurs
Visited to the US
Mr. Liu HaiSu Celebrated
His 96th Birthday in LA
Assist Chinese Furniture
Manufacturers Make Entry
Into the U.S. Market
Promoted Education Cooperation Between China & US
Introduced Famous Sculpture
Artist Team to Do
Commissioned Work
for Jackie Chan