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FEATURES > Millefiori Ceramics

Millefiori Ceramics

Erh-Ping Tsai and his Millefiori Ceramics

Millefiori Ceramics is a ceramic technique invented by Tsai Erh Ping. This technique is inspired by the millefiori glasswork, a mosaic glass first produced in Murano, Italy, in the 15th century. The term millefiori is a combination of Italian words “mille” (thousand) and “fiori“ (flowers).

According to Tsai, this inspiration began more than twenty years ago. At that time, he once traveled to the Yellow Stone National Park. Standing in front of the rugged hills and thundering waterfall, Tsai was amazed by the exposed rock layers. For him, these multicolored rocks were like murals, highligting the primitive beauty of the nature. Since then,Tsai began his quest for the essence of beauty and a return to the origin in terms of idea and material. His realization can be summed up as the following: pottery is the result of the interaction among metal, wood, water, fire, and clay; a similar process also gives birth to earth ;examine the parallel between the two will lead one on a new path of creation.

Later, Tsai also gained inspiration from museums. In the Metropolitan Museum he saw how emperors in ancient Egypt took ceramic artifacts as personal decoration. In the Corning Glass Museum he experienced the beauty of antique glass beads. Such experiences led Tsai to the study of millefiori technique and the application of such technique in the production of ceramics. Also,the primitive ye pure glass beads influenced Tsai in his management of colors.

The millefiori ceramics is the fruit of such effort to innovate the production of ceramics. The colorful and splendid design characteristic of millefiori ceramics makes Tsai's "Insect Series" much more vivid and appealing.

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